Viewing Archives for travel

WAIW | Settling Down

Picture of Quy Nhon, Vietnam with mountains and clouds in the background and city buildings in the foreground.

I've now been in Quy Nhon, Vietnam for two weeks, and sticking around for that long has me thinking about settling down and just what it means as a full-time traveller. Read More »

WAIW | Banh Mi On the Beach

Photo of a walkway leading to the ocean with palm trees on both sides.

I've spent the last week in Quy Nhon, Vietnam, and grabbing banh mi for breakfast has quickly become my morning routine. So, I thought I would show you just what that involves in today's WAIW episode. Read More »

TBT | Dodging Traffic in Vietnam

Photo of a city skyline at night with white text in the foreground that says "Dodging Traffic in Vietnam. Where Am I Wednesday"

It's been over a year since I first crossed a street in Vietnam, and I can't say I'm really much better at it. Read More »

WAIW | Enjoy Where You Live

Photo of a sunset in Saigon, Vietnam

Although I think I've done something similar in a past episode or two, I think it's important to remind oneself to take a moment to appreciate where you are. So, today's Where Am I Wednesday episode focuses on just that. Read More »

WAIW | Puppy Time

Picture of a brown and white puppy curled-up on a person's lap

When in doubt, choose the cute animal. Always, always choose the cute animal. Read More »

TBT | Puppy Attack!

Close-up picture of a dog's face with white text in the foreground that says "Puppy Attack! Where Am I Wednesday"

One of the reasons I've been able to housesit in SE Asia for over a year now is because of booking multiple sits with the same animals. This past week, I reunited with a dog I hadn't seen in roughly a year, and it reminder me of the first time we met. Read More »