Viewing Archives for travel

WAIW | Bye-Bye Beard?

Cover for bye-bye beard

Not knowing the language in a country can lead to interesting interactions, and most of the time they're just funny. Of course, some of the time, they have consequences. Today, I decided to risk it and go to the barber for a beard trim. Read More »

WAIW | A Culture of Fear

Cover for A Culture of Fear

Mass shootings are sadly commonplace in the United States by this point, and so are the calls for better gun laws. So, instead of adding to that discussion, which already has plenty of great pieces written about it, I thought I would talk about something somewhat related. Read More »

TBT | Manuel Antonio National Park

Cover for TBT Manuel Antonio National Park

It's been three years since I saw the sun set near Manuel Antonio National Park in Costa Rica, but it's still one of my best memories from there. Read More »

WAIW | The Six Dog Sit

Cover for Six Dog Sit

I had different plans for today's WAIW episode, but I don't think the dogs had a problem with getting extra attention. Read More »

WAIW | Biking in Chiang Mai

Cover for Biking in Chiang Mai

I don't really need an excuse to go out to eat, but when my computer gave me a reason this morning, I decided to take it! Read More »

WAIW | A Year of Travel

Cover for A Year of Travel

A year ago, I left Canada for Ireland. Today, I left my latest house sit to get a haircut and talk a little about how I've managed to stay on the move for so long. Read More »