Viewing Archives for travel

A Vegan Visits the Bonavista Peninsula

Puffins and Seagulls in Maberly, NL

If the chance to see whales and puffins isn't enough to bring you to the Bonavista Peninsula in Newfoundland and Labrador, then may I recommend a great little veg restaurant instead? Read More »

A New Series on YouTube

Where Am I Wednesday Logo

I've been wanting to start doing YouTube content for the mag for years now, but it wasn't until recently that I finally took the plunge with a regular series. Better yet, today I remembered to post about it on the blog. Read More »

Interview for Full of Life

Screen capture from Full of Life interview

Last month, I had the opportunity to be in the spotlight for the Full of Life blog run by Andréa Lussing. It's a new series she started, and I was honoured to kick it off by talking about being vegan in South Korea, challenging ideas of compassion, and more. Read More »

Life After Vida Vegan Con

Ryan Patey's first talk at the Vida Vegan Conference

The third Vida Vegan Conference ended this past weekend, and with it the conference itself gave its last bow. Now, although the memories are many, I think it's the inspiration that will continue to play a part in my life, along with so many others. Read More »

Living Vegan in Costa Rica

Sloth in Costa Rica

Living in a foreign country for any length of time, especially when you don't know the language, can be interesting. Find out just what I learned and ate in Central America for nearly three months, and start planning your own trip! Read More »

Home is where the what is?

My Vida Vegan Con mug finds a new home in Ciudad Colon, Costa Rica

Where exactly is home, and just how does a vegan magazine fit into the topic? Stay with me for a little bit and you just might find out. Read More »