Cursed Arrows release Telepathic High Five

cursed arrows telepathic high five cover

Back when I was booking the tour I tried valiantly, along with Jackie, to have Cursed Arrows involved in one of the Ontario dates. Alas, it was not meant to be at that time. Since then I’ve been following the band online and I was excited to hear that their new full-length album was finally released for the masses to order. Although it will not technically be out for another while in its physical form, you can pick-up the digital version when you pre-order.

The duo spent a lot of time on this album, and it shows. I recommend you give them a listen to see if it just might be something to add to the ol’ wish list for the holidays. Plus, NoYes Records (their record label) is also the home to the Kestrels, which includes an artist (Chad Peck) who did manage to play the kick-off show here in Halifax for the T.O.F.U. tour. So, you’re supporting a few vegans and getting some new music while you’re at it.

I think that’s a great deal!

Album review from HeroHill


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