Behind the lines: Zoë Rasputin

Zoë Rasputin is the author of “Another Version of Being and Animal Rights Activist,” found in the latest issue of T.O.F.U. She is also one of the founders of Veg*n Adventures and Socials in Toronto (V.A.S.T.), a group of veg*n folk based in Toronto who arrange social events. The group has been around for roughly two years, and with over 500 members, it still seems to be going strong. For more information on V.A.S.T., head over to their Facebook page:
In one word, why are you vegan?
How long have you been vegan?
+/- 8 years.
Who would win in a fight: Quinoa or Cous Cous?
Quinoa, definitely!!
Would you prefer to lead a revolution or to live quietly in the woods?
Lead a revolution in the woods.
If there is a revolution, will it be televised or a Facebook event?
Favourite vegan thing in your town (Toronto, Ontario):
Singaporean Cole Slaw from Lee Restaurant, 603 King Street West