Trying veganism despite the reasons against it

My interest in this blogger’s recent decision to try veganism for thirty days is not so much in his decision to do so, as that sort of thing is happily popping up all over the web. It is more in how disinterested he was in trying it for so long.
7 Reasons I Never Went Vegan (
I’m sure some of you might come across a reason or two that actually led to you going vegan, or maybe you will read the post and nod your head in agreement as you recognize a few things that might have turned you away from veganism had you encountered them yourself.
Luckily, despite some of the well-meaning (yet failed) efforts of some vegans, it seems David Cain has found his own reason to try being vegan and, as of yesterday, he’s going to see how he likes it for thirty days.
So, we here at T.O.F.U. want to wish David luck, and are happy to see that he is going to give it a shot!
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