Viva la Vegan! shows T.O.F.U. some love from the road

One of the best things about the upcoming Vida Vegan Conference, outside of the free vegan goodies a certain Jess of Get Sconed! has promised me, is getting to finally meet plenty of folks I’ve been reading, tweeting or emailing about for so long. Of course, being out on the road for a few weeks is also high on the list, but I’ll write more about that later!
For now, I wanted to let you know that the lovely Leigh-Chantelle from Viva la Vegan! has taken some time out of her North American travels to post an interview Kira and I did with her while she was still back enjoying warmer temperatures and bluer oceans in Australia.
Leigh has plenty of great things on her websites, and her schedule is filled with conference and festival appearances over the next while, so be sure to give her some love somewhere along the way! I’m looking forward to swapping travel stories with her when we meet in Portland, and maybe trading goodies from our Vida Vegan bags.