Viewing Archives for australia

#OurNewNormal | Chelsea Hildebrandt of Sydney, Australia

Image contains two equal panels. In the right-hand panel, there is a photo of a woman in a video conference. Just a little to the left of the woman, there is a small photo of a man with a white border around it. In the left-hand panel, there is white text on a pastel red background that says “T.O.F.U. Talks #OurNewNormal Episode 09 With Chelsea Hildebrandt of Sydney, Australia”.

Returning to Australia, I talk with Chelsea Hildebrandt about life in Sydney during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read More »

#OurNewNormal | Tamara of Melbourne, Australia

Image contains two equal panels. In the right-hand panel, there is a photo of a woman in a video conference. Just a little to the left of the woman, there is a small photo of a man with a white border around it. In the left-hand panel, there is white text on a pastel purple background that says "T.O.F.U. Talks #OurNewNormal Episode 07 With Tamara of Melbourne, Australia".

I go back to Australia to talk with Tamara Rich, an essential worker in Melbourne. Read More »

#OurNewNormal | Leigh-Chantelle of Brisbane, Australia

Image contains two equal panels. In the right-hand panel, there is a photo of a woman in a video conference. Just a little to the left of the woman, there is a small photo of a man with a white border around it. In the left-hand panel, there is white text on a pastel blue background that says “T.O.F.U. Talks #OurNewNormal Episode 01 With Leigh-Chantelle of Brisbane, Australia”.

To kick things off, I chat with Leigh-Chantelle to see what life is like in Brisbane, Australia during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read More »

T.O.F.U. Talks: A Vegan World

Image contains a white background with black text that says "T.O.F.U. Talks" above a black line with a small indent in the centre pointing below to text that says "A Vegan World".

It took months for us to finally connect, but when Leigh-Chantelle and I did start to chat about her move away from social media and just what caused it, there was plenty to say. Read More »

Viva la Vegan! shows T.O.F.U. some love from the road

Viva la Vegan banner

It seems the lovely Leigh-Chantelle from Viva la Vegan! has taken some time out of her North American travels to post an interview Kira and I did with her while she was still back enjoying warmer temperatures and bluer oceans in Australia. So, check it out if you want to know what music we're listening to at the office. Read More »

Behind the lines: Lisa Dempster

Lisa Dempster

I'm not sure how Lisa and T.O.F.U. came to be such great friends, especially since we have yet to actually meet in person, but I am glad that the connection was made some time ago. Along with writing several articles for the magazine over the past few issues, including "I ♥ potlucks" in the most recent, I believe I can attribute the lovely Aussie invasion of the T.O.F.U. store to her blog. Read More »