Be a Part of T.O.F.U. #9

Planting Seeds for the Next Issue
Even though it may seem like issue eight was just released to some of you (myself included), three weeks have passed since I added it to the store and that means it’s time to start working on the next issue.
Luckily, I’ve been thinking about the focus of the issue, and even the cover, for a bit now. So, a few things are already in the works, which means the next major step is finding contributors.
And that’s where you come in. Hopefully.
Get Involved
After covering sexism in the last issue, body image in the one before that, and so many other topics over the years, the next issue of T.O.F.U. hopes to continue to dig a little deeper by addressing the issue of age.
With that in mind, I’m looking for both younger and older vegans to lend their voices on issues revolving around being a vegan outside of the age range typically represented (~25-35 years old) in advertising, media, etc.
So, if you’ve got something to say about how organizations could be more inclusive in their events or marketing, what kinds of support you wish you had, how being a vegan is different for you due to your age, or anything else related to the intersection of age and veganism, keep reading!
Of course, if you’ve got an idea for a great DIY article, a fabulous recipe, a review of your corner of the world, or something else that you just want to share, I’m open to that as well!
Submission Guidelines
Don’t send me an email just yet though! In order to make this whole thing a lot easier on everyone, there are a few guidelines to follow:
- Read a past issue of T.O.F.U., please. It helps if you know the audience you’re writing for, as well as what topics have been covered.
- Send a few ideas, if possible. Together, I’m sure we can figure out a great article!
- Quality and quantity. When it comes to contributing, you should be comfortable with writing at least a couple of pages. Of course, if it’s a recipe, it shouldn’t be more than a page.
- Original and unpublished content. I don’t want other publications mad that I’m running the same piece, and I’d like for my readers to be excited for something new from every author, if possible.
- Be excited. I’m used to sending emails to people to round-up articles past deadlines, but if I’m going to put out 3-4 issues this year, I’m not going to chase after you for long. If you’re not stoked to share your thoughts, I can only push you so far.
- Meet the deadline. Given the tight timeline, submissions will need to be in around April 10, 2015. I might be able to give a little more time, but aim for this.
- Eat your veggies. Maybe this goes without saying, but you should be vegan.
Now that you’ve read all the small print, how about we talk about your big idea? Simply leave a comment below or contact me.
Talk soon,