Amanda Lily Loves The Book of T.O.F.U.

Personally, between the success of the Kickstarter for The Book of T.O.F.U. and the excitement I’ve seen online from people when they’ve received their copy, I’m really happy with how the latest project for the magazine has been received.
When I decided to jump into working on the magazine full-time, I wasn’t quite sure if it would work out. To be honest, I’m still not sure, but raising the money needed to bring the book to print certainly made it seem like less of a pipe dream! Now, as I start working on the next issue and trying to crunch the numbers to see just what I need to do to print a full-colour publication, it’s great to see that T.O.F.U.’s first foray back into print is having a lasting impression.
Most recently, I heard from Amanda Lily, a trained Holistic Health Coach, certified Personal Training Specialist, and canfitpro PRO TRAINER in Winnipeg, Manitoba, about how much she loved the book. In fact, she enjoyed it so much that she gave it a review on her website, as well as two of the online stores that are currently selling the remaining copies. Below is a portion of Amanda’s review:
I knew, admittedly without reading all of the past issues of T.O.F.U., and simply by the description of the book on Kickstarter and my correspondences with Ryan since meeting him a few years ago, that this book would be well worth supporting. I was wrong, kind of. You see, this book is worth so much more than the few bucks I spent in supporting the campaign and receiving a print copy in return. This book holds a collection of stories, personal experiences, information, tips, and resources, that could seriously change the experiences of people who are becoming vegan or are vegan, as well as the people around them and the planet (dependent on what the readers decide to do with this information and any realizations they have while reading this book).
To read the full review, and find out more about Amanda, please visit her website.