T.O.F.U. #12 | Live Author Chats

I’ve been working on this for a bit now, so I’m happy to finally be able to announce it!
Through a series of live chats, T.O.F.U. Magazine and a number of authors from T.O.F.U. #12 will address the topics discussed within the issue, as well as any questions those in attendance may have. So, if you’re curious to know more about the authors, the things they wrote about, or something else related to the topic of mental health, you might want to join us for the following events:
Saturday, November 25th | 12PM EST | Facebook Event
Taking What We Need
For the first chat, authors Jenny Marie, a.b, and Sarah Rice will focus on the treatment of mental health issues, and the alternatives that are out there relative to the ones that the vegan/health community usually recommends.
Sunday, November 26th | 2:30PM EST | Facebook Event
Mental Health, Racism & Veganism
This Sunday chat will feature authors Julia Feliz Brueck and Dr. Linda Alvarez as they discuss issues and questions related to mental health, veganism, and racism within the vegan/animal rights community.
If you’re unfamiliar with the authors and their articles, I highly recommend that you download the last issue before the chats begin. You can find it in the online store, and it’s available for whatever price you want to pay, including free.
Note: I’m also currently planning a business-related chat with some of the people involved with the issue who focused on the importance of vegan businesses within the community, as well as the need to be able to step away from running one for the sake of your own mental health. Once I have the details confirmed, you can expect more info on the blog and social media.
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