Review: Cookin’ Up a Storm by Laura Dakin

Cover of the official Sea Shepherd vegan cookbook

Understandably, the hardworking folks of Sea Shepherd are a hungry bunch, and now, thanks to Laura Dakin's new cookbook, you can learn a whole lot more about what they eat and do on the Steve Irwin. Find out what MeShell thought of the book, and enter for your chance to win a copy. Read More »

Review: Peruvegan

Cover image of Vicki Cosio's Peruvegan

One of the contributors for the upcoming eighth issue of T.O.F.U., Vicki Cosio, wrote a vegan Peruvian cookbook. Find out just what MeShell's favourite recipes were and try one yourself. Read More »

Review: Sweets from the Earth

Four vegan cupcakes in a box from Sweets from the Earth

Another tough job was assigned to a T.O.F.U. reviewer recently, and it involved a bunch of baked goods from Sweets from the Earth. Thankfully, MeShell Gudz stepped up to the plate to take my challenge to review cupcakes, cookies, and more. Read More »

Review: The New Enlightened Eating

Enlightened Eating - Oatmeal chocolate chip cookies

With several revisions since the first version, Caroline Marie Dupont's The New Enlightened Eating has plenty of easy to follow recipes, and some great advice on how to transition to a healthier lifestyle. Read More »