Viewing Archives for vegan

TBT | Vegan Sex Can Sell

Picture of a black shirt against a grey background. The shirt has green text that says "Vegans" and white text below that says "We don't just eat like rabbits". In the bottom of the shirt, there are two small rabbits just above the words "T.O.F.U. Magazine"

People think vegans only eat rabbit food, so when it came time to design some shirts for a T.O.F.U. tour, I thought they should know that's not the only thing vegans do like rabbits. Read More »

WAIW | White Veganism Lacks True Compassion

Photo of a grey wall with speckled texture.

Whether it's transphobia, sexism, fat shaming, or some other rather obvious form of oppression being done in the name of veganism, white veganism is guilty of ignoring or promoting far too many problematic things that go beyond non-human animals. Sadly, I'm not sure how to effectively convince people to do otherwise. Read More »

Review | Real Food, Really Fast by Hannah Kaminsky

Cookbook cover with a photo of a meal prepared on a table decorated with cutlery and other things. Text in the foreground says "Real Food, Really Fast. Delicious plant-based recipes ready in 10 minutes or less. Hannah Kaminsky. Author of Vegan Desserts, Vegan a la Mode, and Easy as Vegan Pie."

Making food fast usually means compromising on taste or quality, but Katie thinks the latest from Hannah just might change that. Read More »

T.O.F.U. Questions | What is T.O.F.U.?

White background with black text in the foreground that says "What is T.O.F.U.?"

After a rather lengthy series of discussions on a Facebook post, which involved at least a few people surprised that a vegan magazine would even weigh-in on the topic of transphobia, I decided to make the next T.O.F.U. Questions episode just to address what it is that people can expect from T.O.F.U. Magazine.  Read More »

TBT | T.O.F.U. Magazine is Fat-Positive

Picture of a series of Matryoshka dolls in front of a red brick wall

It seems plenty of T.O.F.U. fans don't support one of the key things the magazine believes in, so today's throwback is a reminder of just where T.O.F.U. stands. Read More »

What Are Your Top Five Vegan Companies?

Pale red background with white text in the foreground that says "What are your top five vegan companies?"

I'm now looking for companies to advertise in the next issue, and I thought this would be a great opportunity to ask you what some of your favourites were! Read More »