Viewing Archives for vegan

WAIW | Harvesting Jackfruit II

Image contains a photo of a large jackfruit that has been cut in half. Both halves are faced down on concrete with the green, bumpy side facing up.

I'm back in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and this time around I decided to try and harvest jackfruit again. Read More »

TBT | Missing Gallo Pinto in Costa Rica

Image contains a photo of a plate of beans and rice with a small salad of tomato and lettuce on the right and a side of green beans and other chopped vegetables on the left. Below the beans and rice, there is a friend plantain. Above the plate, a bottle of chili sauce and a glass of a dark liquid can be seen.

It's been years since I was last in Costa Rica, but I still miss the national dish without a doubt. Read More »

T.O.F.U. #15 | Pitch Deadline

Image contains a notepad with illegible text in black ink and a pen on the left-hand side.

The deadline for pitching ideas for the fifteenth issue is only a day away, but that means there's still time to get in touch. Read More »

TBT | Talking Politics With Dan Hanley

Image contains a white background with black text that says "T.O.F.U. Talks" above a black line with a small indent in the centre pointing below to text that says "Politics (With Dan Hanley of The Gay Vegans)"

Roughly a year later, I'm still having fun with the T.O.F.U. Talks series, so I thought a throwback to the first one was in order today. Read More »

TBT | Black Sticky Rice Ice Cream

Image contains an off-white background with a frozen dessert on a stick in the foreground. The dessert is purplish in colour, and it contains numerous black and purple specks within it. Below the dessert, there is a wooden stick and a hand can be seen holding it.

Travelling can lead to plenty of new experiences. In my case, one that has stuck with me is rice in my desserts. Read More »

T.O.F.U. #14 | Author Chat Now Online

Image contains a dark red background with a row of burnt asparagus tips along the bottom. Above the asparagus, there is white text that says "T.O.F.U. #14 |" and then light green text that says "Author Chat".

I finally had a chance to talk with Rachel Hipp about her work with Sanctuary Moon, and I'm happy to say the conversation is now available online. Read More »