T.O.F.U. #12 | An Interview With Emily von Euw

For those who read the blog, it should come as no surprise that T.O.F.U. is a fan of Emily von Euw from This Rawsome Vegan Life. From Katie’s reviews of The Rawsome Vegan Cookbook and Rawsome Vegan Baking to my inclusion of Emily in 15 Intersectional Vegan People and Projects to Support, there are many reasons why T.O.F.U. thinks Emily is great.
So, when it came time to figure out who to put the spotlight on for the latest issue on mental health, it didn’t take me long to decide on Emily. Luckily, they were available to chat with frequent T.O.F.U. contributor Sarah Louise by email, and a great piece was born!
If you haven’t read it yet, I highly recommend you download the issue to check it out.
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