T.O.F.U. #12 | Mental Health, Racism, and Veganism Chat

Last weekend, I finished a series of T.O.F.U. #12 author chats by virtually meeting with Julia Feliz Brueck* of Sanctuary Publishers to talk about mental health, racism, and veganism. Although the chat was only scheduled for roughly 30 minutes, we ended up talking for an hour thanks to Julia sharing personal stories of experiencing racism, her accounts of life with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and comments and questions from those who joined us live.
Obviously, the topic of racism and its interconnections with veganism covers a great deal of things, and one chat certainly can’t touch on all of it. So, I recommend that you research further by seeking out the work of vegans of colour and other activists who discuss race. As we mentioned during the chat, one resource that may be helpful is the latest release from Sanctuary Publishers, which you can find here.
Also, there are a number of vegans of colour mentioned in my 15 Intersectional Vegan People & Projects To Support, so I recommend checking them out as well.
For now though, you can start with the author chat, which can also be found on YouTube.
*Although we were scheduled to chat together with Dr. Linda Alvarez of Vegan Advocacy Initiative, some technical difficulties arose and Dr. Alvarez was unable to join us.