WAIW | This Ain’t Vegandale!

First off, for those who might not know, Vegandale is a group of vegan companies and other things running under the aforementioned name in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. For a little more info on why I referenced that name specifically for a video talking about a group of veg restaurants on one street, I recommend you check out some of these articles.
Now that we have that out of the way, let’s talk about the video, shall we?
I started a new housesit recently, and it’s in a neighbourhood of Saigon that I have never really explored before. So, when I discovered that there was a street not so far from me that had four veg restaurants within a block or two of each other, I was excited to say the least. Since this discovery, I have yet to cook a meal at home (given that the average price I’ve been paying for a plate is $2-3CDN, it’s hard to justify buying groceries!), and I’ve been eating a lot of cheap burgers since they’re not exactly a common thing on menus around here.
Although other parts of this sit have proven to be not so great, finding this little gathering of veg spots has been a highlight for sure. To find out what else I like about the veg neighbourhood, check out this week’s WAIW episode below.