Search results for vegan travel

Vegan Travel | A Vegetarian Play in Vietnam?

Image contains a photo of a theatrical production involving two characters in a setting similar to Hell. the male character is taller and wears a crown and armour, as well as a cape. The female character is striking a comedic pose with a smile on her face. Much of the photo is in red tones.

I've had many firsts here in Vietnam, but I didn't expect seeing a play about meat comsumption to be on that list. Read More »

Vegan Travel | Visiting a Plum Valley in Vietnam

Image contains a photo of a small purple plum tucked amongst a bunch of green leaves.

Recently, my partner and I travelled to Northern Vietnam for a small adventure. Part of that involved visiting a plum farm, and this is what it looked like. Read More »

Vegan Travel | 2019: Year-in-Review

Image contains a photo of a small black dog facing away from the camera on a green lawn. In the background, the blue water of a pool is visible before a number of trees and a small white pool building. Above this, there are blue clouds.

2019 was a year marked with some pretty heavy moments due to numerous deaths, but there were still plenty of things to be thankful for as well. Read More »

Vegan Travel | Canada & Back Again

Image contains two beaches blending into one another in the middle of the picture. The beach on the left has sand that arches upward to the right, and there are palm trees lining the shore. The beach on the right has sand that arches upward to the right where it meets the edge of the other beach. Along the edge of the beach, there are sand dunes and evergreen trees with a few people walking on the shore.

Last year was great for so many reasons, including a trip back home to Canada and plenty of amazing meals. Find out some of the highlights in the latest episode of the Vegan Travel series. Read More »

Vegan Travel | Around the World Through Housesitting

Image contains a series of four vertical panels with a picture of a grey cabin in a forest of large green trees, a picture of a swimming pool overlooking a green hill in the distance, the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, and a photo taken from behind the ears of a small black dog looking at a pool and large yard in the background.

I've spent three to four years working on this video, and I've covered a lot of ground to get it done. In fact, I went around the world. Read More »

Vegan Travel | Quy Nhon, Vietnam

Photo contains a bowl of noodles with veg beef, mushrooms, sprouts, and other vegetables. On a separate plate, there are fresh herbs and leafy greens.

Quy Nhon isn't exactly high on the list for folks looking to explore Vietnam, but there are a number of reasons why it should be. Luckily, the vegan food options are one of them. Read More »

Vegan Travel | A Year of Housesitting in SE Asia

Picture of a pool surrounded by palm trees and tall apartment buildings with white text saying "A year of housesitting in SE Asia"

I finished 2017 one step closer to being able to sustain myself through T.O.F.U., which was a great step in my books. Find out what else the last year involved in my latest vegan travel video. Read More »

WAIW | 3 Tips For Easy Vegan Travel

Cover for 3 Tips For Easy Vegan Travel

As a vegan, there are some extra complications to travelling, but there are also plenty of great resources to help you overcome almost all of them. So, follow these tips and you'll be on the way to a great experience! Read More »

Vegan Travel | Food Courts in Thailand

Cover for Thailand food courts

There are plenty of vegan options in Thailand, especially in Bangkok and Chiang Mai, but this time around I wanted to focus on just the food court options. That's right, there are options in the malls. Weird, right? Read More »

Vegan Travel | The Batu Caves of Malaysia

Cover for Batu Caves of Malaysia

Every now and then, my travels are not simply focused on food and spending time with animals. Occasionally, I take the time to visit important sites. My time in Malaysia involved just such a place, and it wasn't just because of the monkeys. Read More »