Viewing Archives for magazine

The Book of T.O.F.U. Sale

Cover for The Book of T.O.F.U. sale

It's hard to believe how much time has passed since I launched the Kickstarter that would ultimately fund the printing for The Book of T.O.F.U., but I guess time waits for no one, right? With that in mind, work has begun on the next issue and the last remaining copies of the anthology are now on sale! Read More »

#TBT | The First T.O.F.U. Tour | Part II

Poster for the 2009 T.O.F.U. Tour Show in Ottawa, Ontario

With the first border issues behind us, Amanda, Mike, and I start to settle into life in the van, and we realize that we're headed down the right road with the tour. At least after we ask for directions. Read More »

Issue #11 | Call for Submissions

Cover for issue 11 call for submissions

The Book of T.O.F.U. has made its way to readers around the world, and now it's time to start work on a new issue to follow in its footsteps. If you're interested in submitting, please check out the guidelines and get in touch! Read More »

#TBT | How It All Vegan?

Cover image for T.O.F.U. Cookbooks

Did you know T.O.F.U. started with cookbooks? Find out more behind the story, and check them out yourself, in this Throwback Thursday. Read More »

Amanda Lily Loves The Book of T.O.F.U.

Logo for Amanda Lily

People have been telling me that they love the T.O.F.U. anthology, but Amanda is the first one to write a review for it! Find out just what brought her to do that so soon after she finished reading the book. Read More »

#TBT | The First T.O.F.U. Tour | Part I

Poster for the 2009 T.O.F.U. Tour Saint John Show

In 2009, I spent over a month in a van with two musicians I had not met before as we travelled across Canada and the United States to promote veganism, independent music, and T.O.F.U. Magazine. It was the first T.O.F.U. tour, which inspired two others so far, and it all started with a few emails. Read More »