Viewing Archives for magazine

Red Radio sits down with T.O.F.U.

old radio

Ryan sat down with Erin from Red Radio last weekend, and what resulted was quite the conversation on everything from nonononono cat to PETA's sexist ad campaigns. Read More »


Feist looking for submissions

T.O.F.U. is somewhat settled in Winnipeg again, and the resident cat, Feist, is pushing for a new issue. So, like anything a cat demands, it pretty much has to happen. Care to help us out? Read More »

So, I’m leaving South Korea…

I'll miss the side dishes for sure.

I'm moving. Again. Of course, this means the magazine is moving too. However, if all goes well, this might be the last one. Well, at least for some time. Maybe. I'll let you know when I truly unpack my backpack and decide to buy furniture. Until then, I can at least say that I'm leaving South Korea for Canada next month. Read More »

The T.O.F.U. Grant: Round Three

A Breeze Harper

Issue six tackled some tough topics focused on the intersectionality of veganism and forms of oppression, and we knew the recipient of the T.O.F.U. grant for the issue had to be a leader in such things. Lucky for us, such a person was already a rather vocal part of the vegan community. Read More »

PETA: The awkward uncle at the vegan family dinner

peta bwvaktboom

PETA's newest campaign is just too much to justify brushing veganism's strange uncle's statements off by talking about how great the brussel sprouts are at the family dinner. Read More »

Issue Six: Such Great Heights

New year's in Busan

Issue six has turned out to be our most popular issue yet, and I think that warrants a thank you. Of course, this doesn't mean I'm going to stop promoting the issue to say the least! Read More »