T.O.F.U. #14 | Cover Reveal

Image contains a dark red background with a silver fork coming up from the bottom of the frame. On the fork, a single piece of asparagus is visible. Both ends of the asparagus are burnt, and the right end has a small stream of smoke coming from it. Above the fork and the asparagus, there are two vertical blocks of text. The larger one on the left says "Smoke Signals". The word "smoke" is in white, and the word "signals" is in green. The smaller block of text says "Is burning out and fading away" in one line and "helping the animals" in another. The words "the animals" are in green. At the very top of the image, there is text that says "T.O.F.U." in white, and within that text there is more text that says "T.O.F.U. Magazine". Just below the white T.O.F.U., there is text that says "Issue 14 Burnout March 2019".

I'm not quite ready to release the new issue just yet, but I am ready to show you the cover. Read More »

WAIW | The Worst Air in the World?

Image contains a photo of a man on the left-hand side wearing a face mask over his mouth and nose. To the right of the man, a hazy sky is visible above some trees in the horizon, a green rice field, and a narrow road.

Recently, Chiang Mai, Thailand had the worst air quality in the world, so I decided to take another WAIW episode to talk about the burning season. Read More »

TBT | Endometriosis and Veganism

Image contains a medium-dark brown wooden background. On the wood, there is a variety of fruit and vegetables. In the centre, there is a papaya and coming from the left and right of the fruit are two small stalks of a leafy green vegetable. Nestled under the leaves at the end of each stalk are lemons, and just below each lemon on the right and left there is a small hot pepper. The whole image is meant to represent the female reproductive system.

March is Endometriosis Awareness Month, so today seemed like a perfect time to throwback to a piece about just that from T.O.F.U. #11. Read More »

T.O.F.U. #14 | Cover Sneak Peek

Image contains a dark red background with a silver fork coming up from the bottom of the frame. On the fork, a single piece of asparagus is visible. However, the image is cropped so that neither the tip or the bottom of the asparagus is visible.

The next issue is almost ready to be released, which means I can give you a peek at the cover (finally). Read More »

WAIW | Burning Season in Chiang Mai

Image contains two photos that split the screen horizontally. The photo above shows green rice fields with trees and some buildings in the distance. Farther away in the background, a large dark hill can be seen below some blue clouds. The photo below that contains a similar scene, but the hill is no longer visible and the sky is grey and hazy.

When planning your travels, you're bound to get plenty of warnings from people about things to avoid. Find out in this week's WAIW episode just why burning season should be one of them. Read More »

TBT | Fat Positivity and Veganism

Image contains a white background with black text that says "T.O.F.U. Talks" above a black line with a small indent in the centre pointing below to text that says "Fat Positivity (With Chelsea Lincoln, Jenny Marie, and Andy Tabar)".

I'm not just throwing back to the recent T.O.F.U. Talks live chat on fat positivity because it was great. I'm also posting about it again to add lots of resources. Read More »