Viewing Archives for vegan

Review | Bold Flavored Vegan Cooking by Celine Steen

Cover for Bold Flavored Vegan Cooking review

What did Katie think of the first solo vegan cookbook from Celine Steen, who is well known for her collaborative work with Joni Marie Newman? Find out in her latest review! Read More »

T.O.F.U. #13 | Idea Submissions Due

Cover for Issue 13 Call for Submissions

With work for the next issue underway, I thought I should remind folks that today is the initial deadline to submit your ideas. Read More »

T.O.F.U. #12 | The Art Process With Designer Angie Carlucci

Cover for T.O.F.U. #12 The Art Process

With an interest in going back to print, I've put more of a focus on the visual aspect of the magazine over the last couple of issues. So, it seemed only appropriate to share with you the process that happens to fill the pages with artwork. Luckily, Angie Carlucci, a graphic designer who contributed to the last issue, was willing to help me do just that. Read More »

T.O.F.U. #12 | Live Author Chats

Cover for Issue 12 Author Chats

Interested in talking about some of the things you read in the latest issue? Well, some of the authors and myself have come together to help you do just that in a series of live chats! Read More »

T.O.F.U. #13 | Call For Submissions

Cover for Issue 13 Call for Submissions

Find out what the focus of the next issue will be, and learn about the guidelines so you can submit an idea before the deadline. Read More »

WAIW | My Life With Privilege

Cover for My Life With Privilege

I've tackled plenty of topics in past issues of the magazine, but one that continues to surprise me with the reaction of those it addresses is the topic of privilege. Today, I decided to talk about just that for the latest episode of the WAIW series. Read More »