WAIW | Healthcare Should Be Universal

Image contains a photo of a white bowl of soup and noodles on the left, a glass cup of tea in the top right-hand corner, and a paper note in the bottom right-hand. On the note, there is handwriting that says "Vitamin B12, iron, homocysteine, ferritin, and hemoglobin electrophoresis."

If your goal is to reduce suffering in the world, then pushing for universal healthcare should be a part of your activism. Read More »

WAIW | Harvesting Bitter Melon

Image contains a photo of a number of vegetables. In the foreground, there are red chilis and green bitter melons of various sizes. In the background, there are cubed carrots, mushrooms, and more. A woman's hands can be seen near the vegetables in the background.

As I mentioned last week, one of the biggest successes in our garden involves a vegetable I don't like. This week, I decided to harvest it and try again. Read More »

WAIW | Am I A Vegan With A B12 Deficiency?

Image contains a photo of a fence covered in green leaves and vines.

If you're vegan or vegetarian, taking a vitamin B12 supplement is something you should do in order to avoid ending up like me. Read More »

TBT | I Don’t Like Durian

Image contains a photo of a bearded white man pinching his nose and looking unhappy. To the right of the man, there is a black plastic tray of durian, which is a yellowish fruit shaped in large pieces.

After trying it several times in a number of different ways, I guess I'm just one of those vegans that doesn't like the king of fruit. Read More »

Review | Vegan Yack Attack’s Plant-Based Meal Prep

Image contains a bird's-eye view photo of a white countertop with a series of glass and steel containers filled with food on the top and bottom. In the middle, there is large black text that says "Vegan Yack Attack's Plant-Based Meal Prep" above and to the right of two thin black lines. On the right-hand side of the vertical line, there is smaller green text that says "Weekly Meal Plans and Recipes to Streamline Your Vegan Lifestyle". Below the horizontal black line, there is green text that says "Jackie Sobon".

Thanks to COVID-19 restrictions in Vancouver, Katie had some trouble getting the latest cookbook from Vegan Yack Attack, but it was worth it in the nd. Read More »

WAIW | No Longer Vegan?

Image contains a photo of a bearded man with a questioning look on his face and his shoulder raised.

Thanks to last week's WAIW episode, I found out that my understanding of what a vegan is just might be wrong. Read More »